• Everybody needs his memories. They keep the wolf of insignificance from the door.

-Saul Bellow-

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My thoughts on Jonas

My most favourite character would, of course, be Jonas. He is exeptionally affectionate, respectful, polite and wise for a 12-year-old boy. He cares so much for baby Gabe that he was willing to change his plans and break the rules to save him from being Released. He is also the only one in the community, apart from the Giver, who has the ability to love, though, pathetically, the love isn't returned to him. His ability to love, together with his unique pale eyes and many other features, makes him special.

It seems to me that the title of the book,
The Giver may not necessarily refer to the actual Giver, that is, the old Receiver of Memory, alone. Jonas can also be considered The Giver, can't he? I mean, in many situations, he gives and provides. For instance, he gives baby Gabe a chance to live by bringing him away from the Community before he is Released. He also gives Gabe soothing memories like that of a sailing boat to put him to sleep. Moreover, by leaving the Community, he gives (well, transmits) his memories to its citizens to help them experience pain and pleasure and ultimately happiness and wisdom. From this, we can also notice that he is very sacrificial as he sacrifices the comforts of his safe life in the Community and risks his life to save Gabe and to help the citizens of the Community, well, let's just say, become more humane.

For all these reasons, the character Jonas, has won my admiration. :)


sushma said...

Hello Jo!I too feel that Jonas is the best character in the book because we undergo the same things he goes though as we are all teenagers, hence I can relate to some of the things he feels. For example the wanting to have choices to choose from but at the same time worried about the outcome if we choose wrongly! As we read the book we find him getting more and more mature like him questioning his father's wrong doing of killing the smaller twin. He is very insightful and is reflective of things that occur in his life.Not every young 12 year old actually dares to run away from his comfort zone for the benefit of the community too right! So i feel that Jonas is the best character in the book (:

The Giver - Lois Lowry said...

Hey Joveena :),
My favourite character is the Giver, but I still like your post... Some of the characteristics I like about Jonas have been mentioned by you - he is affectionate, polite, respectful, caring and wise. Other than that, he is also very perceptive, a quality that not many in the community have. Moreover, he is observant, careful, inquisitive, loyal, reflective and law-abiding. These characteristics of his make him rather admirable.
I like your theory about The Giver not also referring to Jonas. It was something I have never thought of, and I have to admit it is very meaningful!

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