• Everybody needs his memories. They keep the wolf of insignificance from the door.

-Saul Bellow-

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Class Discussion on Sameness and Differences

Hullo Everyone!=) Can you spot the differences between the two pictures posted on the right? There are five to be spotted! All the best and have fun!... I'll post the answer in another post, alright?

Well now, Do you want to know why I asked you to do so? On Tuesday, we were discussing about whether Jonas' society honours differences valued Sameness.

It seems to me (and to everyone else, I bet) that Jonas' society is one that values Sameness and not one that honours differences.

Firstly, all the Assignments are not equal and respected. Some are considered more prestigious than others. For instance, the Assignment of a Birthmother is not as well respected as, let's see, a Judge in the Department of Law and Justice? This is evident from the fact that Lily's Mother said that "there is very little honour in that assignment". However, the Assignment of a Judge in the Department of Law and Justice is considered important and "prominent" therefore showing that her job is highly respected.

The system of allocating people their Assignments shows that there is total control over the Community, not just over colour or weather and so on but also over the citizens and their lives as well! The people have no liberty to choose! Everything is pre-planned and decided for them! They can't choose their jobs but are assigned to it. However, the people don't seem to mind it! For instance, they've never complained or wondered or questioned why they were Assigned to that particular job but they just receive it as though it was perfect for them! Although "there's an appeal process", it seems like an illusion, I suppose, probably there just to convince us that the Society Jonas lives in is somewhat democratic. Appeals went to the committee for study, which takes forever to process them that one would rather stay in the job he or she is Assigned to.

The Chief Elder claims that the Assignments are a way of honouring differences. However, this is not true. The Community values sameness. I mean, they're discouraging individuality by making sure that there are only 50 babies born every year and that everybody shares the same birth date. Every Male above Ten has the same haircut and everyone shares the same clothing! In these ways and many more, they value Sameness. People in the Community do not honour differences, they point it out. Lily calling Jonas' pale eyes "funny", is an example of pointing out one's difference; it is not appreciating differences, it is more or less like isolating them. Jonas feels left out, like a loner, when he is not Assigned but Selected to become the next Receiver. Furthermore, hierarchies and stereotypes exist within the community; Jobs or Assignments being ranked is an example. This proves that differences cannot be eradicated no matter how the people in the Community try to.

In our world I think it is a mixture of both, although I personally feel that honouring differences is important, so as to improve one's self-esteem. The two pictures above seem very similar and yet, minute, and maybe even insignificant changes contribute to making them two different pictures, don't they? Differences should not be ignored. Neither should they be criticised. That's what I feel=).

Well then, I suppose that's it for now! Look out for the answer to the Spot-The-Difference! Ta-ta! =)


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